Current Types of Star Money
The current basis for star money is gold, it is the equivalent unit that other metals are compared to. It is abbreviated as AU.
AU is derived from the latin word for Aurum which is gold.
AG is derived from the latin word for Argentum which is silver.
As a side note, AU also stands for Astronomical Unit, which is the average distance from the Sun to the Earth. That is interesting coincidence.
Other Star Money can be denoted in value in terms of bold. (Values as of 2025Feb17)
Silver $34 (0.01 AU) per ounce of each.
Platinum $998 (0.33 AU) per ounce of each.
Palladium $1,005 (0.34 AU) per ounce of each.
Rhodium $4,005 (1.34 AU) per ounce of each.
Copper $4.35 per pound to Silver per ounce (0.13 AG)
Nickel $6.97 per pound to Silver per ounce (0.21 AG)
The value of the star money can change. A primary benchmark is called the Gold Silver Ratio or GSR. It conveys how many ounces of silver it takes to buy an ounce of gold. Currently the GSR approximates 90. Historically, the ratio is an average of 40 and it has been as high as over 100. Changes in the ratio can cause large swings in the price of silver.